Sunday, March 17, 2013


It may be St. Patrick's Day, but I'm not writing about my favorite color today just because it's made from green.  My favorite color right now is lime green.

I've gone from olive green to yellow, and now lime green--odd that it's a combination of the two. 

I started to look up the color of lime and that bit of research got way out of hand.  Wikipedia has a fine description and discussion of lime.  I was just curious and got more than I bargained for and then started comparing my favorite colors to the times of my life--way too much information right now.  Maybe another day, another post, another story. 

Is this what a blog does to you, especially during the Slice of  Life Challenge during March? 
Or is it a journey of a writer becoming a writer? 
Or someone just making sense of her life? 
Or all of the above?

Okay, to keep things light and airy on this St. Patrick's Day, here is a photo of some of my limey things!  Yes, even the sewing table that my husband made for me!  I think I need lime curtains, too.


  1. A fun color! A wake-me-up kind of color! A look-at-me kind of color! I think it says a lot about you as a person too. Loved your questions too and I think you answered it: It's all of the above.

    Keep writing and reading and researching and learning. Oh happy lime green day!

  2. All of the above, I'd say...there are reasons to write, and seeds of writing, in all of these.

  3. Oh Tam...that is lime green and I love it. I think the color related to times in your life would be a very interesting study. My research gets way out hand also. May you be surrounded by the lime!

  4. If you were to look in my closet, you would find many of the lime greens, so of course I love your collection of lime green.

  5. I think the only thing lacking is a green slushy! :) I think the sound of this phrase is appealing:

    "a writer becoming a writer."

  6. Oh, how cheerful! I love it! Fun!

  7. That table is a sight for sore eyes! I love that you gathered up some of your lime green for us, because I keep standing in the window, searching for green and it just hasn't shown up yet!

  8. I think the color is in a lot of places in the stores too, Tam. My grandson had a very bright, limey green shirt this week! Love that table your husband made too. It all fits for St. Pat's Day, too!

  9. When I think of you, green comes to mind. Lime greeen - the color of growing and you are growing beautifully into the writer you are.
