Monday, March 26, 2012

Glitter and Shine

As a youth, I liked the tailored look with muted or darker colors--greys, blacks with whites, beiges, light greens and browns.  My favorite color was olive green.  I think these were the colors of my youth, too, when I think about it.

I remember once I bought a bright orange dress (pictured above), a gift from my cousin Sharon in Detroit when she was an airline stewardess and paid for my flight, so I would visit her world.  It was a different world--upscale apartment and restaurants in the big city--a whole new world for me as a college student in a small town.

I remember wearing this dress home on the plane.  I was a different person as I landed at the airport when my fiance picked me up.  I think he looked at me differently in this bright color, unsure of what was to come after this trip, and I had the same feeling.  I felt the whole world was open to me.  That experience/feeling lasted only briefly, but I did eventually break off that engagement.  Life went on and so did my colors; they became brighter/happier.

Funny, as I aged, the colors of my life did become brighter, not as dull as my youth.  My favorite color is yellow now and I love, love lime green--the green maybe being the carry over from my youth?   I look for clothes with bright colors and especially purses.  I like red cars, red candy apple boots (which I sent back because they didn't fit), and red coats.  My home beholds terra cotta, lime greens, yellows, oranges.  But I have added a new dimension to my love of lightness--glitter and shine.

I want shiny and glittery earrings, tops, purses, and things in general.  Really unlike me, I spied a denim jacket with rhinestones all over.  Do I dare?  No, I couldn't, but it would be so much fun to wear it at the right time.  I like diamonds more than I ever have, and I'm working on that angle. 

It's funny what time does to a person.  I do admit time has been good to me when I look back on the whole picture.  Yes, there would be things I would change, but who wouldn't.  From being a child of the Gary Steel Mills, I have found the color and sparkle I need. 



  1. Tam,
    I currently live 30 miles north of Detroit. It was a nice surprise to see it mentioned in your post. As I read further, I noticed another familiar reference. I used to visit relatives in Gary, Indiana as a kid. I think I like colors more as an adult than I did as a kid. Perhaps, I thought they would make me stand out too much. Now, like you, I think colors are a lot of fun. Thanks for sharing your story. By the way, I think you should get the jean jacket with the rhinestones too:)

  2. What a fun post! I will ponder my color choices too. I do love color and have found I will buy bright colors and feel good wearing them. My three year old granddaughter already appreciates color. Purple is her favorite right now. She has started to announce the color of the day. Yesterday was purple day. A color I didn't use to wear but am finding it fun to wear.

  3. My daughter wore a denim jacket at one time, with lots of old rhinestone pins gathered from her grandmothers' jewelry boxes. I think you should get the jacket too. I am a bright colors person in the spring & summer, then back to more fall colors in the fall & winter, but always red, my favorite color. I can't find it, but didn't you write the post about handbags? I loved hearing about it & because of you I just got a beautiful purple one a few weeks ago. Interesting to hear about the orange dress too. Maybe that & your experience on the trip made you take another look at your boyfriend. Good for you. Decisions for a lifetime are important!
    And-your comment on my post-thank you for all the support-I value it very much, plus I love letters too, & send a postcard to my grandson (who moved away last year) every week. He doesn't say much about them, but I hear that he has them in a stack on his dresser. Thanks Tam, for the fun post about color.

  4. What a fun look into your life. It was fun reading about how you life in color changed as you grew older. I love interesting color in the midst of the normal (does that make sense?) Like a black outfit with a red purse and shoes---

  5. I feel like I've gone the opposite direction of you. I used to dress with patterns and colors; now I'm convinced that blacks and grays are my best friends. Wish I could get a little more adventurous again. Love that you have!

  6. How fun! There's something about that last line that appeals to me as far as craft, but mostly I just loved this glimpse of the shiny new you. If you get that sparkly jacket, the BONS would love for you to wear it when we meet!

  7. You look like you just came out of the Mad Men set in the picture. :-)
    I love color, my husband loves beige. What can you surmise from that?

  8. Color and sparkle- it is what you add to our BONS group. You have color in your working and sparkle in your laugh. I wonder what color and sparkle Neville will find. (love the picture)
