Saturday, January 18, 2025

One Little Word, 2025

Here I am January 16, 2025!  It's been a long while from January 2020!  Where have I been?  I've  become a doubter again besides being busier up into 2023 when Steve and I moved to a smaller place in Fort Wayne again from Little Tippy in Leesburg, Indiana for 34 years!!  We were in Fort Wayne for 17 years after I married Steve and we had 3 sons, now Eric, 51; Tim, 48; and Ben, 45.  Now I have 6 grandchildren, Lucas, 20; Noah, 18; Lillian, 18; James, 16; Evelyn, 11; Isaac, 5.

I cannot recount the last 14 years!!  I still journal, but I still use the same writer's notebook from 2017.  I guess I have just lived more instead of writing more?  Not much of a writer, but I am more of a reader now!!!

OLW comes to my mind  this new year and thus, my blog, Clay Fragments will inspire me!  I choose:

"STILL":   calm    quiet   hushed   wordless    listening     stopped    peaceful    

It took me 3 days to prove this word to myself with the help of the thesaurus and process of elimination.  "Still" came to me in the shower as ideas sometimes do!!! 

Monday, April 20, 2020

How Does One Leave a Gift of Memory?


Pictures, sketches, paintings
Written words, conversations
Painted Rocks
Clay, wood, cloth creations
Plants, gardens
Thoughtful gifts
Sharing joy and sadness

"The problem with people is they forget that the most of the time 
it's the small things that count."
--Said by Finch in All the Bright Places by Jennifer Niven.

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Posting vs. Journaling For Me

Posting for me takes a longer time to write with much revising and editing.
Posting makes me seriously consider what I write about and how I present the information.
Posting is for show, and I'm not a showy person as a rule.
Posting is for celebration/revelation.

Journaling comes more quickly without much revision and little editing.
Journaling bares more of my soul without too much self examination.
Journaling could be any subject I choose for that day without worrying about the outcome.
Journaling is private, and that's who I am and always will be.

Tuesday, January 28, 2020


I started to create this poem on September 10, 2018 and revised it on June 5, 2019. 

 It's now 
Last Revision--January 26, 2020.

Fall is a colorful stepping down into coolness,
sighing as each leaf falls.

Winter is frozen in time with fearful and cold thoughts, 
But living life with boundless stories and books. 

Spring is stepping up, bursting with life and coolness,
Witnessing the rebirth of all things living.

Summer is bright, vivid color, basking in warmth and 
Celebrating with wonderfully green and positive thoughts.

Friday, January 17, 2020

OLW for 2020

There was no hesitation or delving into a list of possible OLWs or using the thesaurus this year to refine my search.  

I've been saying this word to myself and to my husband and he to me all year.  After the first of the year, I kept hearing this word when I talked to people.  

"FOCUS" is my word for 2020.  

Aging itself requires one to go slower/focusing for safety. One could fall when one turns around too quickly or not focusing on that extra step or not lifting one's foot high enough to avoid the throw rug becoming your worst enemy.

Recipes confound us in our 70's.  I share this knowledge with friends who have entered this decade. I need to focus so hard to get a recipe right even if I have made the recipe before!!  What is that?

I can't find things that are right in front of me!!  Mercy!!  

Those are some of the negatives of losing focus.


Focusing has a positive side, too.  

Focusing will keep you at arms' length from the negative going on around oneself by looking at an object in motion--an object making its way to another location and what happens when it gets there.

Focus on the activities had with friends that created laughter.

Focus on what is good and warms your life.

I could go on with the negatives and positives, but I think focusing will keep me positive and alive.

Happy 2020!

Monday, January 28, 2019

Many a Moon

It's that time of year when I visit my thesaurus to rally around my choices of words for OLW 2019.  This year my word came to me after thinking a little bit harder since it was time to do so.  "Time" just popped into my head, and I liked it right away without much thought.  It's a wide open word just like most of my choices.

I am 71 until May.  A very good time to think about time.  I finally opened the thesaurus online and came up with my title.  I found many other synonyms, of course.  The time allotments of a year struck me, of course--season, date, second, minute, hour, day, week, month, a year.  Also, past, present, future.  My word of "Bit' from last years OLW appeared, also.  I liked it but didn't get very far with writing about it.  Writing has definitely taken a back seat these days.  It's the usual--Who cares what I write!? (Side note and off subject--at 71 I'm allowed to do this since no one will judge me. I'm still reading which is good.  Love those books that you can't put down and look forward to continuing.)

I also liked the synonym "clock." I love clocks.  Digital is okay in a hurry but it's just what it is--numbers with no face. That face gives me the spatial aspect of a day--12 daylight and 12 night time. I also see mealtime reflected.  Some people may see coffee, snacks or nap time.  Changing times for a season is only really felt by literally turning that knob behind that clock or whisking the hands of the clock to a new position.  It also allows for that extra grumbling when we do this change--sets us up for the change the next morning.  My watches are jewelry with a real purpose, not just glitter.

Clocks involve math. Add and subtract just looking at the clock.  And is it 1:40 or 20 minutes to 2:00? Military time involves counting and mind boggles the average person to rely on their fingers to count! Young people find watches and clocks mysterious numbers.  How do you really know what time it is by looking at that face!!  I love it!  Elders now have special talents!

Don't forget clocks and traveling.  Time changes.  Isn't better to look at a clock's face and figure if it's night or day somewhere?  Also, remember Big Ben in England and the effaces of history that continue to celebrate the clock.  Staring at a clock on the school wall helped us escape those last few minutes and got us ready to run somewhere else!

The synonym "age" came up first on the list of synonyms!!  Mmmm.  Do you suppose that's what I'm thinking?

So what does time mean to me?

Time is flying.  When you're young, time goes so slowly waiting for the next exciting moment or thing to do.  I move slower now because I can.  So does it take twice as long to get things done?  Sometimes because for one, I enjoy slow, coffee-filled mornings reading, being on my cell/computer, staying in my robe, sitting on the porch in warm weather--the best part of any day now!

 Am I enjoying myself more, so time does goes faster?  With retirement, I do choose what I want to do when I want to do it most of the time for now.  I am thankful for being given that privilege.

How much time do I have?  No one knows, so what must be done to make it all count.  Hopefully, I have done most of my homework through my life which is caring for other people.  I have that selfish side just like everyone else.  I can only take so much and then I can explode or hide away to reclaim my wits.  What do I really need to do for the rest of the time?

I need to get rid of the muddle, the junk, the stuff no one cares about except me.  I've heard even with daughters that they don't want old, antique stuff anymore--minimalism is the name of the game.  I purged my own mother's home.  Not much is left of it--little jewelry and some still very good old pots and pans.   I've tried to do a little genealogy.  Who will go on with it?  Who will I designate my folder and pictures to carry on the family treasure hunt?

I've made some new friends the 30 years since we moved from Fort Wayne.  I want to go back there because of family.  Leaving my new friends here will be hard and leave me at a loss for laughter.  Since I can still walk, talk, and drive, my life will not end but when will all that slowly leave me, too?  I don't want to go any further than my early eighties.  It's not a death wish, but too much goes wrong after that, and one becomes a real burden.  A wheel chair is not an option for me either.  I have very good cancer insurance which I'm really getting tired of paying for.  So if cancer comes, I will do what is good for me and those who I love.  Do not cry.  It's a fact of life.  I really have lived a good life.  Life is never easy, but all I ask now is a warm bed and being painless to a degree. I have a high tolerance for pain, by the way.  Coffee, chocolate, popcorn, cheese, good bread, pasta, and salads wouldn't hurt either.

It's time for my children and grandchildren to soak up the knowledge and find the goodness of life.  If you can't find the good yet, then think about the small things of life because that's where it is for all of you because the world is crazy.  I love you all.

This is suppose to be a little post on Time. Are my posts on Time finished?

Only Time will tell.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Sense of Goodness


Beat the brown and white sugar grit
with the smooth, soft butter--
"clickety, clack" go the beaters against the aluminum bowl.

Crack the eggshells,
adding each gloppy egg one at a time 
to the mix with a tiny splash of vanilla.

Add the white, powdery baking soda
softly to the bowl as the beaters,
"Whir, whir, whir."

Scoop the fluffy, dusty flour
cup by cup, leveling it with the
back of a shiny, silver butter knife.

"Hum, hum, hum" from the beater
as more and more of the quiet
white powder is added.

Time to stop the whirs and hums
and take to the nut grinder
to pulverize the pecans.

Sprinkle chocolate chips and
pecans over the soft bed of
of the biscuit-colored batter.

A tablespoon chugs through
the dough to combine
the collective ingredients.

Shh!--(licking of fingers)

Plop a teaspoonful of the mix 
onto the time worn tray and bang it
on the oven shelf at 375 degrees.

Door closes and timer set
while eyes begin to peer
through the shiny glass oven door.


Smell the warmth of baked sugar and dough,
leaving the feel of crispy cookie edges
and the taste of chocolate goodness.