Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Third Try

In Terje's post today, justforamonth.blogspot.com/2013/02/solsc.html, she expresses her feelings about the March Slice of Life Challenge.  I have had some of the same doubts as to whether I want to do this for the third year.  I write, but not every day.  Can I come up with good ideas and expand them?  I do have list to start my journey, but will they work when I have to write?  Do I have to be an every day writer to be a writer?  Why should I try?  That's it right there--try, try again. 

As Terje pointed out, I could try for the "magic of three." 

My first year of participation was hard for me and scary, but I made every day.  The second year was more enjoyable and easier to come up with ideas because I found out the smallest bits of life are the best topics.  Still, I had hard days.  What will year number three teach me?

I like to write about my life/beliefs because I find my children/relatives/friends reading my blog, learning things about me they never knew and would never know if I didn't share them here.  That is part of my motivation/legacy.  I love words and always have.  I don't think I will ever publish a real book, but I will publish my blog for myself one day. 

I have grandchildren and have shared my love of writing with them.  I just had a discussion with 8-year-old Lucas about my Neville mouse story because he asked me how I was doing.  Wow, someone is listening!!!  I told him I was stuck and he asked me where Neville was in my story.  I told him he was making friends with the French restaurant cat Charles.  He proceeded to tell me what I could do with their friendship.  Lucas had a great idea and that sticky note now sits on the top of my story.

My sons have commented on my posts and are always waiting for the next one.  My son Ben just recently commented on my Feb. 5 post, telling me what it meant to him--priceless. 

I think I write because I know I will be heard when I have something important to share.  Can I find importance again every day in March this year?  I will try.

Good luck to all bloggers this March.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Small But Not Little

The little things that count,
Warming your very being.

Small events, words, images,
Speaking loudly to your inner soul.

-grassy-green backyards
-affirmation during conflict
-four o'clocks
-aroma of dill
-wag of a tail
-words on a page/note
-just a look/touch
-support without words
-growth of a child
-warmth of a blanket
-familiar voice
-uncontrollable laughter
-grasp of a cup
-flow of water
-smell of dirt
-paper and pen

Larger than life.